Monday, March 24, 2008

Real Estate Mediation Blog By Jim W Hildreth

March 24 2008

New Real Estate Mediation Blog
Real Estate Mediation BlogFrom InmanWikiThere are may articles written about real estate; however, there are few about Real Estate Mediation.This is a new blog that will deal with real estate and disputes.Disputes can have many faces.Landlord-Tenant issuesContract Disputes, buyer-sellerNon-Disclosure IssuesBroker vs AgentHomeowner associationsProbateMoldRealtor DisputesConstruction-Related DisputesMediation is a process in which a "neutral" person -- the mediator -- helps parties reach a settlement to their dispute by opening lines of communication, objectively evaluating the case, identifying the parties' real needs and finding a solution to address those needs.Mediation is an [Alternative Dispute Resolution] process of exploring solutions and negotiating mutually acceptable resolutions.Unlike the legal process, mediation allows the parties to decide the fairest and most reasonable solution.However, mediation is voluntary and will not waive your rights to later pursue the matter legally.One excellent source for information is, which features extensive articles and the ability to locate a mediator in your own community.Many cities have local mediation panels that can be found via a local telephone directory or the Internet.Many courts also are developing mediation panels as an alternative to the litigation road.In the San Francisco Bay area, East Bay Mediation, located in Berkeley, has volunteer mediators and mediators who specialize in area of conflict resolution.In Modesto, Calif., Stanislaus County has trained mediators from the local bar association who partispate with the local Superior Court.Many states have a mediation clause both in the listing and buyer seller agreements that offer mediation as a first step, vs [Arbitration] (Binding or non-Binding) and [Litigation].Jim W Hildreth - MediatorRetrieved from ""

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