Friday, March 6, 2009

Laundromat Dispute

Originally uploaded by JimHildreth
Jim W Hildreth of Real Estate Mediation Services has been been engaged to act as a Mediatior over a commercial dispute over defective equipment and the cost of repairs between buyer and seller.

The California contract calls out for mediation, prior to arbitration and litigation.

The seller counseled with an attorney, mediation was suggested and the buyer agreed that mediation may be in the best interest of all the parties.

Buyer Seller Real Estate Dispute

Superior Court
Originally uploaded by JimHildreth
Jim W Hildreth of Real Estate Mediation Services will meet today in Jackson CA with a buyer sellers over a dispute involving non-disclosures.

The California contract in the buy sell agreement calls out for mediation in a dispute.

The buyers attorney has suggested mediation as an alternative to litigation.

Hildreth's speciality is acting as a mediator "Neutral" with real property issues.

The outcome will be dependent upon the parties.