April 11 2010 by Jim W Hildreth Mediator
Real Estate Disputes comes in all shapes and sizes.
The landlord tenant dispute over owed rents, non -disclosure over leakage in a basement, a partnership
dispute on a business transaction or two peope living with one another.
Disputes often come about on poor communication or the lack of communications between the parties.
Simply we have a new generation that may be great with testing, e-mail, but they have forgotten that often its as simple as picking up the telephone.
"My rent will be late, can I make an arrangement with you ?"
"Should I disclose or not disclose that the property fronts a railroad track, its ovious"
"We will be breaking up, who will pay the mortgage?
"The property has annual water seepage only during the winter, should we disclose?"
Often when a dispute occurs it will fester and often the realty today is the next visit is with an attorney.
Today our courts are crowded, they are expensive and time consuming and stressful.
Many states including California have Dispute Resolution as an alternative to litigation. It is broken down to
Mediation & Arbitration.
Mediation in fact does often resolve disputes, if the parties are willing to compromise and listen to one another.
Mediators can be found with a simple serach such as Google or Yahoo for Real Estate Mediation, Real Estate Mediation Services.
Another good national site is http://www.Mediate.com
If your in a dispute, talk to your broker, attorney or legal hot-line about ADR Alternative Dispute Resolution.
Mediators are neutrals and do not take sides or positions, however they have been trained to guide and assist in conflicts.
Jim W Hildreth is a California mediator who's prime focus is disputes involving real estate, he works closely with the real estate and legal community and is both a private and court appointed mediator.
His website is htt://www.RealEstateMediation.org
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